Landscape & Memorial Gardens

We will build on only ten percent of the site area leaving the rest green.   To the west and east of the driveway we will build our formal memorial gardens with an attractive network of walks and peaceful spaces for quiet contemplation and remembering.   The key here will be to establish gardens that bring colour, form and texture throughout the year.   They will be a blaze of colour during the spring and summer be filled with soft forms and textures during the winter.

Most of the site, though, will be given over to nature.   The land has been intensively farmed for many years and so offers little in the way of biodiversity.   We have an opportunity to ‘re-wild’ much of the site, planting trees and wildflower meadows which will build upon the mature woodland and hedgerows that surround the site and encourage all manner of animals, birds and bugs.

We will build paths through this landscape including one which will link into an existing footpath to the north west of the site, allowing the creation of a new circular walk.

Our Other Crematoria

Clyde Coast & Garnock Valley


Cannock Chase


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